Friday, October 1, 2010

Your Working Environment

Over the years, you have worked hard and invested heavily in creating a professional image for your business and cleanliness and hygiene will play an important role in helping you achieve this. Your commercial carpets and rugs are more than just floor coverings or fabrics; they are significant business investments and have contributed to building your business identity.
There is little doubt promoting the right professional image to your customers, employees and a visitor is essential.
Your Business Investments – Replacement Carpeting is not cheap
The cost of replacement commercial carpets & fabrics as opposed to cleaning them can be up to 10 times; there setting up a regular maintenance program can restore your commercial investments to an almost new state. Therefore this would increase their longevity, create a healthier working environment and eliminating the need to order replacement carpets and upholstery.
The problem is that many business owners believe hiring professional carpet cleaners is expensive. They often forget that without regular maintenance and care, their commercial carpets, fabrics and rugs get damaged, soiled and dirty very quickly. Appointing a commercial carpet cleaning specialist will help to maintain the carpets, extend their lifespan. Therefore this would result in saving your business expense in the long-term.

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